201 research outputs found

    La Mujer Gitana: Del Mundo Privado al Público

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    La investigación presenta un estudio del sentido identitario genérico-étnico en mujeres gitanas de nuestro país. Se enmarca en la intersección de dos campos de estudio: el de mujer y el de mujer gitana. El abordaje del objeto de investigación se realizó desde tres dimensiones de análisis: El ¿Cómo soy?, vivencias y experiencias de vida e inequidades de género. Para ello he realizado una serie de entrevistas, utilizando un enfoque metodológico cualitativo que permitiera la exploración profunda y explicativa del objeto de investigación, siendo el análisis de contenido el instrumento metodológico empleado para el análisis de los resultados e interpretación de la informació

    A Multi-Projector Calibration Method for Virtual Reality Simulators with Analytically Defined Screens

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    The geometric calibration of projectors is a demanding task, particularly for the industry of virtual reality simulators. Different methods have been developed during the last decades to retrieve the intrinsic and extrinsic parameters of projectors, most of them being based on planar homographies and some requiring an extended calibration process. The aim of our research work is to design a fast and user-friendly method to provide multi-projector calibration on analytically defined screens, where a sample is shown for a virtual reality Formula 1 simulator that has a cylindrical screen. The proposed method results from the combination of surveying, photogrammetry and image processing approaches, and has been designed by considering the spatial restrictions of virtual reality simulators. The method has been validated from a mathematical point of view, and the complete system which is currently installed in a shopping mall in Spain has been tested by different users

    Optimization of 3-DOF Parallel Motion Devices for Low-Cost Vehicle Simulators

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    Motion generation systems are becoming increasingly important in certain Virtual Reality (VR) applications, such as vehicle simulators. This paper deals with the analysis of the Inverse Kinematics (IK) and the reachable workspace of a three-degrees-of-freedom (3-DOF) parallel manipulator, proposing different transformations and optimizations in order to simplify its use with Motion Cueing Algorithms (MCA) for self-motion generation in VR simulators. The proposed analysis and improvements are performed on a 3-DOF heave-pitch-roll manipulator with rotational motors, commonly used for low-cost motion-based commercial simulators. The analysis has been empirically validated against a real 3-DOF parallel manipulator in our labs using an optical tracking system. The described approach can be applied to any kind of 3-DOF parallel manipulator, or even to 6-DOF parallel manipulators. Moreover, the analysis includes objective measures (safe zones) on the workspace volume that can provide a simple but efficient way of comparing the kinematic capabilities of different kinds of motion platforms for this particular application

    A Case Study on Vestibular Sensations in Driving Simulators

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    Motion platforms have been used in simulators of all types for several decades. Since it is impossible to reproduce the accelerations of a vehicle without limitations through a physically limited system (platform), it is common to use washout filters and motion cueing algorithms (MCA) to select which accelerations are reproduced and which are not. Despite the time that has passed since their development, most of these algorithms still use the classical washout algorithm. In the use of these MCAs, there is always information that is lost and, if that information is important for the purpose of the simulator (the training simulators), the result obtained by the users of that simulator will not be satisfactory. This paper shows a case study where a BMW 325Xi AUT fitted with a sensor, recorded the accelerations produced in all degrees of freedom (DOF) during several runs, and data have been introduced in mathematical simulation software (washout + kinematics + actuator simulation) of a 6DOF motion platform. The input to the system has been qualitatively compared with the output, observing that most of the simulation adequately reflects the input to the system. Still, there are three events where the accelerations are lost. These events are considered by experts to be of vital importance for the outcome of a learning process in the simulator to be adequat

    A VR-enhanced rollover car simulator and edutainment application for increasing seat belt use awareness

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    Most countries have active road safety policies that seek the objective of reducing deaths in traffic accidents. One of the main factors in this regard is the awareness of the safety measures, one of the most important being the correct usage of the seat belt, a device that is known to save thousands of lives every year. The presented work shows a VR-enhanced edutainment application designed to increase awareness on the use of seat belts. For this goal, a motorized rollover system was developed that, synchronized with a VR application (shown in a head-mounted display for each user inside a real car), rolls over this car with up to four passengers inside. This way, users feel the sensations of a real overturn and therefore they realize the consequences and the results of not wearing a seat belt. The system was tested for a month in the context of a road safety exhibition in Dammam, Saudi Arabia, one of the leading countries in car accidents per capita. More than 500 users tested and assessed the usefulness of the system. We measured, before and after the rollover experience, the perception of risk of not using the seat belt. Results show that awareness regarding the use of seat belts increases very significantly after using the presented edutainment tool

    Un lugar social en Sarnago. Albergue y centro cultural

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    Tras el trabajo de investigación realizado en el TFG “Sarnago, radiografía dinámica de lugares sociales” el siguiente paso orgánico era la investigación y desarrollo de uno de esos lugares sociales, concepto que describe la transformación de espacios en lugares llenos de significado para los vecinos de Sarnago, un pequeño pueblo en proceso de re-habitar en Soria. El caso de este proyecto es la plaza mayor de Sarnago, el lugar mas importante (con permiso de la iglesia) de reunión de los habitantes del pueblo, que posee actualmente un carácter polivalente apoyándose en el antiguo edificio de las “escuelas”. Pero esta este espacio urbano esta incompleto actualmente, por eso se plantea, con un trabajo minucioso de las ruinas existentes, un albergue en la zona norte del proyecto y un centro cultural en la zona sur que otorgue esa cuarta fachada que necesita actualmente la plaza. Estos dos nuevos equipamientos vienen dados por la necesidad de los habitantes de Sarnago de tener un lugar donde poder reunirse (y fortalecer las relaciones sociales que hacen pueblo), que sirva de “plaza cubierta” y ponga en valor el museo etnográfico que poseen. Además, se busca que, mediante la arquitectura, servir de reclamo turístico y de reactivador de espacios inhabitados e inexplorados por la mayoría de las personas, por lo que se plantea un albergue o refugio como estimulador de la zona. Un juego de volúmenes y texturas mimetizan el proyecto con el entorno y le confiere un carácter único.<br /

    Addressing the Occlusion Problem in Augmented Reality Environments with Phantom Hollow Objects

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    Occlusion handling is essential to provide a seamless integration of virtual and real objects in AR applications. Different approaches have been presented with a variety of technologies, environment conditions and methods. Among these methods, 3D model-based occlusion approaches have been extensively used. However, these solutions could be too time-consuming in certain situations, since they must render all the occlusion objects even though they are invisible. For this reason, we propose an inverse 3D model-based solution for handling occlusions, designed for those AR applications in which virtual objects are placed inside a real object with holes or windows. With this restriction, the occlusion problem could be solved by rendering the geometry of transparent/hollow objects instead of rendering the opaque geometry. The method has been tested in a real case study with an augmented car in which the virtual content is shown in the interior of the vehicle. Results show that our method outperforms the traditional method, proving that this approach is an efficient option for solving the occlusion problem in certain AR applications

    Recovering Sicilian Silk Heritage through Digital Technologies: The Case of Piraino's Collection

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    Textile conservation has given rise to small and medium-sized museums, usually with scarce resources. In Sicily, the little evidence that remains of silk production and opulent imports by the rich and powerful local aristocracy is kept in museums, parishes, and other cultural institutions. The documentation, dissemination, and enhancement of such a fragile heritage is today possible by means of technological tools that provide novel means to preserve, analyze, and exploit digital information. In this paper, we present some outcomes of the SILKNOW project, a project that applies computing research to the needs of diverse users (museums, educational institutions, the tourism industry, creative industries, media, etc.) and preserves the tangible and intangible heritage associated with silk. We show the methodology followed to build end users' needs into the Virtual Loom, a tool that deals with the 3D reconstruction of silk fabrics at the yarn level. We also provide a real example of how to integrate it at the museum level, specifically, at Piraino's Collection. The results demonstrate how small and medium-sized museums can access tools that will help them to carry out their daily tasks

    Validation of a simple method for the interpretation of uterine cytology in cows

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    One of the main drawbacks of using endometrial cytology in cows is the time required for sample collection and interpretation. It is recommended to count a large number of polymorphonuclear neutrophils (PMN) and to calculate their overall percentage. However, since counting a large number of cells is a laborious method, it would be preferable to simplify the analysis by counting the number of PMN in few microscopic fields. Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess whether a simple test, based on calculating the average number of PMN in 10 fields at 1000×, could be a reliable technique for the diagnosis of endometritis. Two hundred and sixty endometrial samples were taken from Holstein cows at different postpartum stages using an adapted cytobrush. Smears obtained were air-dried for fixing and stained with a Romanowsky-type procedure. To evaluate the counting method, the percentage of PMN in 150 cells was calculated as well as the average number of PMN in 10 fields at 1000×. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curves was constructed to evaluate both methods, the percentage of PMN (used as reference) and the average number of PMN. It was observed that the area under the curve is (regardless of cut-off used) higher than 0.99 and the correspondence between both methods were 1.58 PMN/field for the cut-off value of 15% and 2.40 PMN/field for the cut-off value of 20%. These results show that this simple method could be used to determine the percentage of PMN in endometrial cytological samples and to diagnose endometritis in cowsSupported by the Xunta de Galicia (Galician Plan for Research and Technological Development; Grant No. PGIDIT07MRU002E) and the Friesian Federation of Galician, A Coruna, SpainS

    Deciphering the Role and Signaling Pathways of PKCα in Luminal A Breast Cancer Cells.

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    Protein kinase C (PKC) comprises a family of highly related serine/threonine protein kinases involved in multiple signaling pathways, which control cell proliferation, survival, and differentiation. The role of PKCα in cancer has been studied for many years. However, it has been impossible to establish whether PKCα acts as an oncogene or a tumor suppressor. Here, we analyzed the importance of PKCα in cellular processes such as proliferation, migration, or apoptosis by inhibiting its gene expression in a luminal A breast cancer cell line (MCF-7). Differential expression analysis and phospho-kinase arrays of PKCα-KD vs. PKCα-WT MCF-7 cells identified an essential set of proteins and oncogenic kinases of the JAK/STAT and PI3K/AKT pathways that were down-regulated, whereas IGF1R, ERK1/2, and p53 were up-regulated. In addition, unexpected genes related to the interferon pathway appeared down-regulated, while PLC, ERBB4, or PDGFA displayed up-regulated. The integration of this information clearly showed us the usefulness of inhibiting a multifunctional kinase-like PKCα in the first step to control the tumor phenotype. Then allowing us to design a possible selection of specific inhibitors for the unexpected up-regulated pathways to further provide a second step of treatment to inhibit the proliferation and migration of MCF-7 cells. The results of this study suggest that PKCα plays an oncogenic role in this type of breast cancer model. In addition, it reveals the signaling mode of PKCα at both gene expression and kinase activation. In this way, a wide range of proteins can implement a new strategy to fine-tune the control of crucial functions in these cells and pave the way for designing targeted cancer therapies.Work in Murcia was supported by grants BFU2017-87222-P (MICINN, Spain-FEDER) to S.C.-G. and J.C.G.-F. and Fundación Séneca Region de Murcia 20885/PI/18 to S.C.-G.S